When purchasing a photovoltaic system, it is worth considering the prospect of further expansion, such as the addition of an energy bank. We offer SolarEdge inverters, which allow you to connect your photovoltaic installation to the grid, as well as inverters that allow you to connect your integrated roof to an energy bank.
This solution allows energy to be stored on sunny days and used, for example, at night when the FIT VOLT photovoltaic panels are not producing electricity.
This is precisely the solution that our client has chosen. The complete SOLROOF roof with FIT VOLT photovoltaic panels, FIT inactive (supplementary roofing) and roof flashings (e.g. cable ducts, wind girders and ventilated ridge) was equipped not only with the electrical installation and optimisers from SolarEdge, but also with an inverter with the possibility of future connection to the energy storage.
🏡 Total surface area: 149 m2
🔆 Active area: 60 m2
⚡ Installation power: 10 kWp
🌱 Carbon footprint reduction: -1 159 kg CO2eq./m2
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